Editing, indexing and publishing services
for botanical, environmental and naturalist writers
Welcome to Rubida Communications, based in Canberra, Australia!
My passion is to help you create clear and well-structured scientific and environmental publications. I can also convert your publication into an EPUB or PDF ebook for self-publishing.
On my blog, A Writer’s Toolkit, you will find resources and tips for writers and editors.
Please use the links below to find out more about the services I provide. If you would like a quote, please contact me. I will respond as soon as I can.
Content structure review

Editing services

Indexing services

Self-publishing services

About me
My name is Dr An Van den Borre. I am a technical and scientific writer, editor and indexer, with a BSc in biology, and a PhD in systematic botany from the Australian National University. Before starting this business in 2001, I also worked as a post-doc researcher at Sydney University.
In my profession as well as in my life, I combine my passion for words, communication and the environment. My greatest wish is to help botanists, environmentalists and naturalists present their special knowledge about the natural world in outstanding publications.
Green ethos
Rubida Communications aims to be a green businesses and to support a sustainable future by:
- reducing carbon emissions — solar panels provide electricity
- using less paper — printing on recycled paper, re-using single-sided printed paper, reducing printing needs, encouraging electronic publishing
- using like-minded suppliers — this website is hosted by Digital Pacific, a green website host.
… sharing the passion for our environment,
the planet and its people in a sustainable way …